Here are some helpful online resources:

皇冠官网网站最喜欢的,来自 UNC Chapel Hill’s 写作中心 This resource distinguishes between editing and proofreading and gives specific, applicable proofreading pointers. At the bottom is suggested reading for ESL students trying to correct grammar.

普渡大学OWL: Basic strategies include taking a break and reading your paper out loud. This website offers a list of common problems and how to identify them and fix them (parallelism, 主谓一致, 等.) - - -有帮助!

This one is a fun, sort of cheeky website: Copyblogger: Five Easy Steps to Editing Your Own Work. It offers advice like “Walk away, 蕾妮,” “Imagine you’re not you” and “Listen to your high school English teacher — except when it’s best to tune her out.”


Other tutor-tested proofreading methods:

  1. 向后看. Read from the last sentence of the last paragraph to the first sentence of the first paragraph. By reading each sentence totally out of context, you’ll likely catch grammatical mistakes and strange wording.
  2. Highlight every sentence in a different color. If every sentence is a different hue, you’ll be more likely to read sentences on their own, 彼此分离. And hopefully you’ll catch typos.
  3. 把剪刀拿出来. That’s right – cut up every paragraph and then rearrange all of the paragraphs on a large, 干净的表面. Your paper will automatically get an organizational facelift as you figure out what is out of place, what REALLY needs to go first, and what sequence makes the most logical sense.
  4. 制作一个垃圾箱文档. 当你在绘图时, don’t be afraid to pull out entire paragraphs and stick them in a separate “dumpster” document. If you decide you’d like to go back later and integrate whatever you took out, you can go dumpster diving in this doc. This way you won’t be afraid to lose those great nuggets, but won’t be so attached to them that you leave them where they don’t necessarily fit.
  5. Use the (often hilarious) text-to-speech readers.  Macintosh users have probably already played around with the British, Australian and other ambiguous accents in the speech-reading tool. If you’re a PC user, find a free text-to-speech reader and use it. You’re guaranteed to catch mistakes when you hear your writing in someone else’s voice.