本页旨在作为寻找的综合指南, 接收, 实施基金会或企业的支持. 的 entire process—from initial contact to final decision—takes six months to a year, on average. 鉴于拨款进展缓慢, 最好尽早开始你的资金搜索. 开始, consider the following questions to determine whether you should seek funding independently or request support from CFR.


如果你想要15美元,从非集中管理的来源获得的资金不超过5,000美元, 皇冠官网网站鼓励您使用赠款工具包来获得支持.


If you are seeking more than $15,000, please contact the CFR team for support.

有一些 集中管理公司和基金会 that should only be approached for funding through 企业及基金会关系, 应资助者领导层或大学领导层的要求. 的se are organizations that expect funding discussions to center on institutional priorities 和 that, 在大多数情况下, have explicitly asked that funding requests carry the endorsement of the President 和 be conveyed through the Advancement office. If you wish to seek funding from an organization on this list, please contact the CFR Team.



慈善基金会, 企业基金会, 慈善组织致力于特定的使命和议程. For example, one foundation might be focused on improving STEM education in the U.S., 另一个可能对促进教育平等感兴趣, 和 another may be investing in implementing sustainable healthcare solutions for rural communities. 越来越多地。, foundations are also committed to highly specific strategies for accomplishing those missions 和 even specific ways of measuring impact 和 progress – their social “return on investment.”

As you work to develop your concept 和 seek potential funders, consider the following questions:

  • 需要. 你的程序/项目将解决什么问题/需要? 为什么它很重要,为什么在这个时候解决它很重要?
  • 方法. 你将如何解决这个问题/需求? 你会采用什么样的方法、工具和途径? 你的方法和其他人在这个领域的工作有什么不同?
  • 影响. 项目的结果或影响是什么? Will its effect be felt in the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 community, in the 丹佛 metro, statewide?
    • 谁将从你的工作中受益? 你的项目会吸引什么样的受众?
    • 你将如何定义和评估项目的成功?
  • 领导. 谁来设计、领导和管理这个项目? 谁将负责这个项目? 这个项目需要多个资助者吗?
    • 在基金会奖助金到期后,你如何维持计划?
    • How will the University or institutional resources contribute to the project? Are their connections between your project 和 the strategic plan of the University or of your school, 部门, 或部门?

使用 项目资料表  来帮助回答这些问题,并从CFR团队获得反馈. Answer each question to the best of your ability, 和 CFR can help you with any you are unsure about.


Many funders require a letter of inquiry (LOI) as a first step in the proposal process. 在审阅申请人的意向书后, 资助者将决定他们是否希望要求一份完整的提案. Review the specific guidelines to determine if an LOI is requested/required.

An LOI should be a concise (2-3 page) but thorough presentation of the need or problem you have identified, 建议的解决方案, 以及实现该解决方案的资格. 就像一个完整的提议, 意向书应该包括介绍, 所要求的资金数额, 需求陈述和你提出的解决方案, 对方法/活动的讨论, a description of the organization 和 qualifications for undertaking this project, 该项目的其他潜在资助者名单, 以及未来项目主管的联系方式.

的 企业及基金会关系 Team can help in drafting an LOI or provide feedback on what you’ve written—please don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Please send all submitted LOIs to CFR for University Advancement record keeping.


的 Auraria Campus was bustling with students the first week of classes starting Aug. 23, 2021.

在对你的意向书做出积极回应之后, 如果不需要意向书,也可以作为第一步, a corporation or foundation will require a full proposal detailing the program or project you are seeking support for, 包括它的目标, 实施计划, 的潜在影响, 成功的标准, 一个预算, 以及各种机构文件(见授权附件). 有关更详细的概述,请参阅 拨款建议大纲拨款建议样本. 虽然大多数提案都遵循类似的结构, 有些组织有更具体的要求, 在起草提案之前,你应该仔细审查哪些内容.

密歇根州立大学丹佛组织资助信息,是另一个开始申请资助的好地方. In addition to being a concise summary of vital information about the University, the document addresses many of the institution-wide questions commonly required in a proposal.

Philanthropic support will almost always be administered through University Advancement/密歇根州立大学丹佛基金会 和 proposals will need to comply with the approval 和 submission procedures of University Advancement 和 the CFR team. Please send all proposals you are submitting to CFR for review 和 University Advancement recordkeeping. 然而, 如果你提议的项目/计划有正式的研究组成部分, the proposal will need to comply with the approval 和 submission procedures of OSRP. 您可以了解更多关于OSRP的工作,以及它们与CFR的不同之处 访问他们的网站.


老师带着一群大学生,在实验室的教室里. 的 instructor is considering one of the students work, the mood is light hearted 和 positive. 其他同学正在互相讨论事情. 这是一个真实的教学场景,坦率的表达. 这是一个多民族的妇女群体. In the background there is a white board with mathematical formula written on it. 所有的女士都戴着身份牌.

提案的一部分可能是预算. 预算是提案的重要组成部分, 因为它代表了项目的财务状况. A well-crafted budget can add greatly to the grant maker’s underst和ing of your project. 取决于资助者的指导方针, 预算可以是一个简单的单页的预计费用报表, 或者整个电子表格, including projected support 和 revenue 和 a detailed narrative that explains various items of expense or revenue.

在编制预算时, please note that the Foundation requires a 6% administrative fee on all gifts received. Including this your budget ensures that is doesn’t come out of funds assigned to another expense upon reception.


Foundations 和 corporations often require a variety of institutional documents in addition to the proposal 和 budget. 在很多情况下, a cover letter from the President or senior university official will be required to accompany a proposal. We will draft 和 obtain signatures for these letters 和 can provide institutional documents that may also be requested.


  • W9
  • 990
  • IRS 501(c)3信件
  • 预算
  • 当前的金融
  • 经审计的财务
  • 收入来源
  • 顶级的贡献者
  • 实物礼物
  • 董事会名单
  • 平等机会声明


When a grant application is successful 和 funds are awarded, the post-award stage begins. 从收到赠款协议到发送最终报告, effective post-award management is crucial in ensuring grant funds are effectively spent 和, 经常性补助金, 将来再次成功应用. 奖金在15美元以上,000或由中央管理实体授予的, a member of the CFR team will reach out to schedule a post-award meeting to review the terms of your grant 和 the resources CFR offers to aid you in this process, 包括获奖后的行动总结和微软计划页面.

Those who are awarded funds without the assistance of CFR 和 would like support are encouraged to explore the CFR Post-Award FAQ, 发现以下, which addresses many of the common questions covered in post-award meetings.



Zacary Tardiff


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